Julius Baxter
2014-09-07 23:06:45 UTC
From: "Julius Baxter" <***@gmail.com>
Date: Sep 8, 2014 12:04 AM
Subject: Re: mor1kx and counting clock cycles?
browsing the internet for open source cores.
mor1kx processor.
the or1k-gnu toolchain.
source SoC that works, that I want to include metrics taken on the 'mor1kx'
cores in a report that I'm doing as part of my PhD work.
core for executing each of my compiled kernels.
can use to know how many clock cycles were used untill the end of the
execution of each test kernel?
report me cycle counts... I'm not an expert in verilator).
instrumentation to take cycle counts. It could be done via the use of the
l.nop (no op) instructions which allow an arbitrary immediate to be passed
in their encoding which the simulated model and it's infrastructure can
then so something based upon.
OR1k spr-defs.h file). So you could certainly add such a feature to the
testbench in fusesoc to enable cycle counters.
Date: Sep 8, 2014 12:04 AM
Subject: Re: mor1kx and counting clock cycles?
Hi Julius,
I discovered the amazing OpenRISC, and more specifically mor1kx, when
I discovered the amazing OpenRISC, and more specifically mor1kx, when
I managed to use 'fusesoc' to simulate, using verilator, a SoC with a
I have a set of C DSP kernels that I compiled to the OR1000 ISA using
I run the compiled kernels on the simulated mor1kx using the folloing
fusesoc sim --sim verilator mor1kx-generic --elf-load
fusesoc sim --sim verilator mor1kx-generic --elf-load
Success! Got NOP_EXIT. Exiting (84104)
Simulation ended at PC = 000031b4 (84105)
At this point I'm so impressed that there is such a thing as a open
Simulation ended at PC = 000031b4 (84105)
At this point I'm so impressed that there is such a thing as a open
cores in a report that I'm doing as part of my PhD work.
I just need to know how can I know the cycles taken by the 'mor1kx'
Is there a OpenRISC intruction (that accesses some special register?) I
execution of each test kernel?
Or is there any other way to get this information? (maybe verilator can
Hi Ricardo,
That's a very good question. Basically there isn't an official
instruction, but I think it would be a very good exercise to add theThat's a very good question. Basically there isn't an official
instrumentation to take cycle counts. It could be done via the use of the
l.nop (no op) instructions which allow an arbitrary immediate to be passed
in their encoding which the simulated model and it's infrastructure can
then so something based upon.
I believe or1ksim might already have support for some cycle counter l.nop
instructions, and the l.nop immediate is likely already defined (check anOR1k spr-defs.h file). So you could certainly add such a feature to the
testbench in fusesoc to enable cycle counters.
I'm CCing the OpenRISC lists as it might be the case that some verilog
testbench infrastructure, like you want to add, might already exist.Best regards and good luck with this very fine project!
Thanks for the kind words!Cheers