2014-09-20 10:08:52 UTC
I have tried to find an open sourced FPU benchmark and faced with a number
of problems.
The FPBench of (CoreMark holder) is accessible for registered
membership. (By the way the CoreMark itself is available for free
registration, but the registration doesn't grant you membership status).
With Google II 've found:
a) Floating Point Benchmarks by John Walker
( But is written with doubles and have to
be ported
b) FPU tests: Whetstone and Sons, Ltd.
But the mentined ftp ( is not accessible.
Does anybody knows another open sourced FPU benchmarks?
of problems.
The FPBench of (CoreMark holder) is accessible for registered
membership. (By the way the CoreMark itself is available for free
registration, but the registration doesn't grant you membership status).
With Google II 've found:
a) Floating Point Benchmarks by John Walker
( But is written with doubles and have to
be ported
b) FPU tests: Whetstone and Sons, Ltd.
But the mentined ftp ( is not accessible.
Does anybody knows another open sourced FPU benchmarks?